When you think of new babies you do think of bassinets (and diapers,) but you wouldn’t think of bassinets in solid gold worth €12 million or around $16.5 million.

There is one company in the world trying to change that thinking, if you have the means to afford it. Creator of this luxurybaby crib is a company from Spain named Baby Suommo.

According to the company only 24 karat gold can achieve the special egg-shape of the bassinet when made with solid gold. For a luxurious crib with a lofty price it features bedding made from Champagne Silk that includes a protector, pillow and mattress comforter. It also come with a changing mat spun from gold yarn. Adding a majestic look for the crib, it comes inscribed with insignia in diamond and pure gold. What more could a new baby asked for, right?

This is not just a luxury crib baby is going to spend few months of the young life in, if mamma and papa allows this would end up being part of baby’s inheritance too or even a family heirloom. So there’s lot on line here.

How the company arrived at the $16.5 million price is unknown and up for debate. Even 48 kg or 105.6 lbs in solid gold cannot cost that much. When you place the order you are entitled to ask few questions, let us also know the ins and outs of the price calculation.

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