This is an amazing Hi-tech shower that I bet every one of our viewers has thought of since childhood...

The Smart Media Shower concept was created for those that can’t stay away from their media devices even while taking a bath. I have to say the one who created this is an absolute genius!

 This shower cabin allows its user to access media even while taking a shower. It sports a stainless steel structure with OLED interactive glass paneling and display panels to synchronize with tablets and smartphones. This way, everyone can play music, watch videos or make phone calls from his own bath booth.

In addition, to fit with the purpose of a bath, it is as relaxing as it is innovative – it boasts with a classically designed water control stem that relies on illumination and see-through channels.

And there’s a medical part to bath booths as well, thus this one uses an anti-bacterial cypress wood base with surrounding drainage systems which disposes of bacteria, funguses and viruses, ensuring optimum humidity, temperature and hygiene levels in the base area.

We definitely wouldn’t say no to something like this. Would you?



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