FTK, Technology for the Kitchen 2024: Smart built-in household appliances in focus

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As a natural extension of EuroCucina, the exhibition showcasing the best of the kitchen world, FTK, Technology for the Kitchen, will present smart, responsible, and inclusive technology for a more sustainable future from April 16th to 21st at Rho Fiera Milano, in Pavilions 2-4...

There is no doubt - we can expect to see more and more smart - and therefore more responsible - appliances, aimed at minimizing the impact of everyday household activities on the environment, which will help improve our way of life and health. This will be highlighted by the ninth edition of FTK, Technology for the Kitchen, a collateral event of the EuroCucina exhibition, conceived as an excellent opportunity to contemplate built-in technology and cooker hoods, presenting innovative products, prototypes, and concepts of what will be the art of preservation and cooking.

This year, technology will help us perform these tasks to the best of our ability, thanks to household appliances that will collaborate and interact with each other and with humans, anticipating or discovering needs we didn't know we had. Product collections - from those for cooling and freezing to those for cooking and extracting - will offer last-generation performance to achieve the best possible results, minimizing consumption and increasing the longevity of appliances. A fundamental element will be the efficient energy saving of these household appliances and their ability to make tasks more efficient and enable more sustainable use by consumers. But that's not all. By connecting all appliances in the kitchen and home, artificial intelligence will play a leading role, creating a totally user-centric experience.

We will see appliances that fluidly and intuitively connect to each other, providing information that can be processed and incorporated into different software upgrades, putting users at the center of a development process that allows appliance solutions to adapt to the demands of each individual owner. The Smart Home is now a reality, guaranteeing the interoperability of household appliances: refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, stoves, even from different brands, become an ecosystem that can be accessed from platforms and applications on a smartphone or television. We will see refrigerators that automatically adjust the temperature, capable of recognizing the food inside them and suggesting recipes, alerting us when products are running out or missing, thanks to visual tracking and, in some cases, will autonomously do online shopping; they will also be able to monitor electricity consumption and, equipped with large screens, will become family entertainment centers by connecting to all social networks and the internet. Home wine cellars, supported by specific applications, will analyze labels on bottles and suggest optimal storage conditions and recommend food combinations.

Ovens will automatically select the most suitable and nutritionally balanced food preparation programs; the smartest ones will use intelligent algorithms to enable perfect and simultaneous cooking of proteins and vegetables at the touch of a button, or calculate the optimal oxygen level for breadmaking; refrigerators and ovens will "talk" to each other: the former will identify available ingredients, and the latter will select a list of recipes for preparation. Induction cooktops will detect the temperature of liquid in cookware to automatically regulate it and prevent spills, and will turn off once cooking is complete, notifying you on your phone or television. If you receive a phone call just as you're stirring ingredients in the pot, you can answer it from the cooktop screen connected to your smartphone.

Dishwashers will automatically determine how much detergent to use and enable even lower consumption, halved operating times, remote control, and ergonomic comfort. Professional skills and multitasking will be improved when preserving and cooking food using the same techniques and technologies as Michelin-starred chefs. We will see household appliances that respect and retain the nutritional properties, consistencies, flavors, colors, and aromas of food, balancing temperatures, humidity, and power.

No less important will be the aesthetic content of the products on display: ergonomics, materials, colors, and beauty will be essential features of the solutions offered, increasingly focused on personalized and customizable design to offer consumers household appliances that respond to every possible demand in terms of taste and style.

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