Corail - dining room table which fits everybodies needs

Have you ever seen a piece of furniture that almost completely suited all your needs, but some little things were missing or just one detail?

You look at it and think, "it would be great, only if it had ...". If you have ever encountered this problem, Roche Bobois brand will come to your aid by launching a rectangular dining table, with a base made of 3D printed concrete, which any customer can modify online. Named Corail, this table gives all its customers the opportunity to redesign, because it was created to "change the connection between customers and design, or industry and distribution."

Designed as the work of Antoine Fritsch and Vivien Durisotti, the 3D printed dining table creates the opportunity for all clients to use design software at home or with the help of consultants in selected boutiques, to perfectly adapt the table to their needs. Customers can choose the shape and dimensions of the base, adjust the wave effect and see their design in real time.

The characteristics of the base are preserved in its "genetic code", which is then sent to a giant printer, which then 3D prints the concrete with the help of digitally powered components.

The coral dining table is inspired by polyporous fungi that can be seen in tree bark, ie coral colonies on reefs or giant baroque shells. We can say that the idea for its creation came from the beauty of natural imperfections, giving freedom to the imagination of every potential owner.

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