Some of you may remember the launch of cruise ship Crystal Esprit, by the company Crystal Yacht Cruises, which is aimed at satisfying all the wishes and desires of its guests...
But, this renowned company still does not want to leave the market, and their engineers now created a new ingenious design - Crystal Endeavor. This ship will be the first polar mega-yacht, 183 meters long, with 100 beautiful suites for guests. This will be the most spacious yacht that will be able to cruise the surface of all the seven oceans, and its debut voyage is scheduled for August 2018, although the project itself has not yet passed all the tests.
This yacht was designed by Lloyd Werft Group, and it will grant those bravest among us a chance to enjoy the luxury of comfort and convenience, surrounded by challenges and beauty of nature. This yacht will be in accordance with the Polar codes, which will give her the opportunity to cruise the Polar Regions during the summer and autumn.
With top notch off-shore dynamics, computer-controlled systems and other elements, this massive yacht will automatically maintain its position with the help of built-propellers and thrusters. The main advantage of these new cutting-edge systems is the fact that the wonders of the underwater world that will not be influenced by the anchors.
This mega-yacht will cruise the Arctic region, following the route of migrating whales, near the coast of America, Europe and Antarctica by the winter. With ROV system for remote control, this cruise will be organized so that passenger will be able to visit the locations of sunken ships, warships and passenger ships.
Up to 200 guests will be able to enjoy such an incredible journey, followed by a whole range of "toys" such as two helicopters and two helipads for air expedition, and two submarines for seven persons, eight amphibian electrical jet-skis, kayaks, diving equipment and more.
The designers did not think that was a lot, so they incorporated a decompression chamber, two tenders and multi-person ATV. What's more, Crystal mega-yacht Endeavor will have water sleds, most powerful and most technologically advanced underwater scooters.
Standard apartments for the guests will have a minimum of 40 m2 including the balcony, while the two proprietary suites, each with 300 m2 of space will be the largest ever constructed on a yacht. Equity apartments will have a master bedroom and two guest rooms, indoor and outdoor living space, private garden and outdoor Jacuzzi, a private spa, a gym with sauna, steam room and a treatment room. When you have all this, why would you ever go back to shore?