Best restaurant in the world, Noma, moved to Tokyo and is now called Noma Japan...

It will remain so till the end of this month. It is set on the 37th floor of the Tokyo Mandarin Oriental hotel and offers magnificent views of Mount Fuji. Among the many innovative dishes that are found on the menu for dinner of 16 dishes, one draw our attention specifically. It's called "Tastes Nagano Forests". It is created by Chef Rene Radzepi and really is unique and will definitely become a new trend.

This dish is made from premium jumbo shrimp, which are served on a plate with ice. It so far looks very average and tempting for seafood lovers. But the thing which is used to "season" the shrimp is an element that attracts a lot of attention and respect to all people. Small wild black ants, or 12 of them, are carefully distributed over the shrimp. The chef believes that their sharp acidity is the perfect accent for a sweet and juicy shrimp.

Until now, if you found ants on your food you’d probably be angry and return the meal. After the presentation of this delicacy, more and more people want a meal with ants. One portion of this specialty costs about two thousand dollars and has long been sold out.

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