PLATINUM COLLECTION - Tribute to the greatest success in the history of Serbian winemaking

As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, "a soul without wine is short-lived"…

Wine is a precious beverage, which fills us with its warmth, provides us with a refuge from restlessness and, like real, sophisticated nectar, pervades our whole being, nourishes and inspires it. With a glass of wine, important matters are discussed, business contracts are signed, love is talked about, old memories are evoked and new ones created, with unforgettable and touching songs. Each wine is special in itself, different and intriguing with its taste, aroma and color, seducing us with every sip. Without wine, according to many thinkers, there is no life. Like a perfume that leaves a different mark on each skin, wine marks our soul in its own way, changes our perception of taste and sense of beauty. The truth is, not all wines are the same.

In fact, choosing the best wine in any category is not an easy task, because each drink has its own charm that sets it apart from others and flirts with our sense of taste in a special way, playing with the aromas, scents and texture we feel. You have probably heard many times that the best wine is the one that has matured over the years, and which brings with it a handful of tradition and history, the nuances of which will be easily recognized only by true enophiles.

Surrounded by the beauty of Vojvodina and Fruška gora, Erdevik winery is dedicated to creating the best wines from Serbia. It is known that back in 276, the first vine was planted in one of the most beautiful villages in Srem, during the reign of Emperor Probus. The climate of Fruška gora, gentle in nature, encouraged the development of viticulture, but also the enjoyment of wine. The following saying is often heard that "the vineyard seeks a servant, while wine needs a master", which every winegrower will confirm. Since its founding in 1826, by Count Livy Odeskalki, following the tradition, respecting the climate in which their vineyards are located, Erdevik winery creates wines for the future, leaving its mark on the heritage and tradition of Serbia and the world.

The 2015 Omnibus Lector wine produced by Erdevik winery won a prestigious platinum medal and an outstanding 97 points at the renowned global wine rating, the Decanter World Wine Awards, proving our claim. To mark and celebrate this special moment in its history, Erdevik Winery has just unveiled the Platinum Collection, a limited edition of just 50 numbered boxes with one bottle of Omnibus Lector from the 2015, 2016 and 2017 vintages, while each the bottle has a perfect origin and comes from the archives of the winery.

In this prestigious collection, which includes the award-winning wine from the 2015 vintage, there are also two wines from the successive vintage, in order to get a clear impression that the greatest value of this winery is the quality and unsurpassed natural potential of its vineyards.

If you want this prestigious edition to take an honorable place in your wine collection, as the best that Serbia can offer, know that the Platinum Collection is available in a limited edition, and you can find out its price by clicking on LINK.

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