“POPiT - CollecTion”, a very Pop collection of glass vases, decorated with full-scale objects...

8 vases, created in three sizes - Small, Medium, Large – conceived as objects with a strong personality.Objects to give away as gifts or to treat yourself to, made from precious materials and featuring precious finishes, with simple decorations meant to be loved at first sight. Decorations that adopt ordinary, full-size objects, known to everyone, immediately recognisable.

They are all object that we have held in our hands at least once, objects that belong to our life experience.Rescued from banality, reinstated as archetypes, they become absolute messages: Ti-amo (I love you), Ti-voglio (I want you), ascol-Tami (listen to me).

Objects to give as gifts to your loved ones, to keep close at hand so as to conTenere (contain), dec-Orare (decorate), and raccon-Tare (recount) who we are or who we would have liked to be.Pop is a subversive glance on the world that surrounds us; poe-Tico (poetic), disincan-Tato (disenchanted), con-Temporaneo (contemporary).

Luisa Bocchietto born in 1960; "pop is my culture, the cipher of my projects, my way of loving the word".

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