Flights that last the whole day may become the thing of the past, with the new luxurios jet protipe, wich is ready for showing.
By working together NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Gulfstream made a new concept airplane wich is ready for his first flight on Farnborough International Airshow in England. Accpording to the reports of Gulfstream, it can fly as fast as 2,485 miles on hour – almost four times fater then ther newset G650 airplane, wich is at this point the fastest supersonic airplane with the speed of 646 miles per hour.
Aircraft was built for the market of buisness jet airplanes, and it will be first supersonic commercial airplane. According to Sunday Times ’’composition of light materials, advanced engine and a smaller body allows this plane to travel 2 times as fast as the Concord, wich flies at 2,187KM/h’’. This speed will allow this jet to travel from London to Sydney in 4 hours. Now it takes 23 hours for this flight.
According to enegeneers, jet called X-54 will be in full size on the market in 2030.