Triton introduces the most luxurious submarine for billionaires

Reminiscent of a UFO, this $6.3 million submarine created by Triton is the ultimate toy for billionaires and their mega-yachts...

Although it may look like a UFO, what you see in the pictures is a unique submarine from Florida-based company Triton, offering a 360-degree view of the underwater world. Named Triton 660/9 AVA, it is the first fully transparent submarine from this company that can accommodate up to eight passengers. Its huge bubble-shaped cockpit makes it completely different from conventional submarines, which usually have cylindrical hulls and large windows.

The special shape of its cockpit is made possible thanks to a technology Triton calls Advanced Versatile Acrylics (AVA). This technology offers three times the interior space compared to traditional twin-chamber submarines of similar size. Triton 660/9 AVA can dive to a depth of 200 meters, but that's not what makes it unique. The company's official website claims it is designed to provide "entertainment-focused underwater experiences."

According to Triton, this unique submarine can quickly be reconfigured between dives to provide completely different experiences for its passengers. The variety of activities that Triton 660/9 AVA can offer includes meal and cocktail dives, spa treatments, underwater games, and even weddings. Yes, you read that right! Triton describes this submarine as "the world's most intimate wedding venue." It is designed for 12 hours of continuous underwater operation. "These unique spaces provide significant flexibility to create previously unimaginable experiences in a submarine, from cocktails and casinos to weddings and private dinners," the website states.

Its unique features make Triton 660/9 AVA the perfect toy for thrill-seeking billionaires and their mega-yachts. Priced at $6.3 million, only billionaires can afford such a toy. In fact, Triton claims that two units have already been ordered by individuals for their yachts. However, the first copy of this underwater vessel was taken by Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours, a company dedicated to providing luxury cruises. They named it Scenic Neptune and integrated it onto their cruise ship, Scenic Eclipse II. It is currently sailing in Australia, where it will perform luxury cruises in the surrounding waters for the next two years, including Indonesia, New Zealand, the South Pacific, and East Antarctica.

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