Feng Shui Trends of 2018:Connect With the Flow of Wealth

Everything moves so fast in today’s world, and getting the right information at the right time can determine success or failure.

Smart people are always willing to learn, to adapt their behavior and actions, to adjust their plans and strategy, all to get ahead and gain an advantage. Following we will teach you how to use your space to avoid negative influences and to tune in with the flow of wealth.

There’s no need to waste time when you can simply draw up an annual plan on how to best use your property and learn where to position important people in 2018!

General recommendations for using your space in 2018

Favorable areas for the CEO & key staff:

- Southeast (CEO, finance)
- Southwest (CEO, HR)
- Northwest (overseas expansion)
- Northeast (new markets, new projects, branching out)
- West (properties)
- South (marketing, research, HR)

Avoid reconstruction and renovation in these areas:

- NW1 (Tai Sui)
- SE1 (Sui Po)
- North (#5 + San Sha)

Prosperous locations for different types of businesses:

- Use West if you are in the property industry
- Use Southeast if you aspire toward long term investments and/or stable income and profit
- Use South if you are in the business of social media or if you need more visibility
- Use NW3 if you are in male-related industries
- Use NE1 if you are in female-related industries
- Use East if you are in the area of media, trends and fashion and anything associated with younger females

The Eight Locations of Your Commercial Property in 2018


Businesses in commercial properties with their main entrance in the Northwest will especially benefit from travel and dealings with overseas countries in 2018. The Northwest will also be favorable for anyone in need of ideas and creativity, so it might be a smart move to sit your marketing people in this area! To enhance communication, improve flow, increase creativity and to create opportunities for travel, try and face NW3 while you work.

Additionally, take care to avoid renovations in both NW1 and NW3. However if the work is absolutely necessary try to complete everything by the end of January 2018.


For commercial properties with their main entrance in the West, 2018 will bring favorable developments, especially for the property industry. West will also be favorable for companies who work in creative fields, as well as anyone who is in need of ideas, support and help. In 2018, writers will do well to move their desk into the western part of the office to help them develop ideas and create better flow. However, this will not be a good location for the elderly or any employees who have sensitive health as this may create the need for them to take sick leave more often.


Businesses in commercial properties with their main entrance in the Southwest will do well in 2018. The Southwest is also an ideal area for companies who want to improve their reputation and gain more respect for what they do. This can be achieved by moving a work station or desk into the Southwest part of the property and having the person sitting there facing the Southwest as they work. Facing the Southwest especially benefits those who work in the consultancy and advisory industries, although realtors and property developers will also gain a lot from this direction in 2018.


For commercial properties with their main entrance in the South, 2018 will bring much better news compared to 2017. While the South is generally not an ideal location for the main entrance of commercial properties, these properties will nevertheless experience smooth expansion throughout 2018. Businesses associated with networking, media, fashion, female-related industries, education, dating, counseling, providing solutions, marketing, IT, etc. will particularly benefit from using the South in the Dog year.

Also, for companies really wanting to make this a good year, with increased creativity and opportunity, situating the CEO, sales staff and marketing people in the South will pay dividends.


Businesses in commercial properties with their main entrance in the Southeast can look forward to excellent wealth luck. Another method for connecting with the Wealth Star (other than having the main entrance in this location) is to position the CEO’s office in the Southeast corner of the property, or by moving his/her desk into the Southeast corner of their own office. Facing a southeasterly direction is an excellent idea for the key people within the company, and in fact anyone within the business who has the ability to “bring in” money, such as sales people. Facing the Wealth Star of this year (i.e. facing the Southeast) while working will help to improve the overall efficiency of the business and its results. Moreover, placing an aquarium in the Southeast part of the office during 2018 will further help the business do well.


For commercial properties with their main entrance in the East, opportunities in 2018 will come via the speech, presentations or personal charm of the key people within the business. This could also be a good time for focusing on partnership and teamwork as joining forces will help to speed up what is achieved and overall success.

Working from the East or placing a desk in the eastern part of the office will especially benefit those who are in media and anyone whose job it is to connect people, network and market. In the Dog year, East also carries Wealth energy, so working from this location can help improve the overall results of the business.


Business activities in commercial properties with their main entrance in the Northeast can expect a breakthrough in this period however it will likely be accompanied by tension, stress and being over worked. The key to success this year comes down to an aggressive approach and an active search for new clients and customers. This is not the right time to wait around or hesitate as the year is a great opportunity to launch new products or projects. The Northeast is an ideal location for team leaders to sit in during 2018 as is conducive to starting new ventures, initiating projects, breaking into new markets, etc.

Don’t expect this period to be smooth and relaxed as #3 also delivers additional fights and disputes.


For commercial properties with their main entrance in the North business can go either way in this period, bringing either great rewards or huge failure and loss. Which way it swings will depend on what’s in the North of the property. CEOS sitting in the North will have the opportunity to stand out; however they should also be ready to dodge any bullets as it is also likely they will face a lot of difficulty and a few serious setbacks. Accordingly if they are prepared to handle any unexpected developments and the associated risks, they will have the chance to achieve tremendous success after this initial hardship has passed.

The important thing to remember about North in 2018 is: Don’t simply sit around and face North if you already have some sort of legal issues. It is also advisable to pay attention to your associates and employees who mainly work in the North, as it is likely they will be more prone towards making mistakes. The final warning is about any sort of renovation or reconstruction work: Don’t perform any in the North throughout 2018. If you really have to, then make sure everything is completed by the end of January 2018 which is still 2017 according to the Chinese Solar calendar.

Althea S.T. is a world renowned Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology master.

She’s the author of two fabulous new books and numerous articles.

Find more info about her books and work on www.altheafengshui.com

Also, check out her Wisdom & Prosperity magazine on http://bit.ly/WisContent

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