Jamaica - the Perfect Playground for Adults

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Miles of stunning beaches, magnificent waterfalls, and mineral springs are what make Jamaica truly magical...

Port Antonio, one of the most accessible cities in Jamaica, has long been a favorite destination for the rich and famous attracted to its privacy, sophistication, the tranquility it offers, and the elegant villas that adorn it. This city is a playground for adults with a free spirit. Within this city, everything you desire is at your fingertips. Adorned with graceful old Jamaican buildings and verandas, it reminds us of old times when movie stars strolled here daily.

For those who love a more active vacation, rafting on the Rio Grande River is the ultimate challenge. Rafting here has a long tradition, started by the locals for easier trade. Since then, or since the beginning of the twentieth century, famous tourists have become part of this unique experience that cannot be experienced in any other place in the world. The journey from Berry Daye's place in the hills of Jamaica to the resort located on the magnificent coast takes two and a half hours, during which you can enjoy untouched and preserved nature. This experience is intended for those who want to get away from modern life for a moment and relax in the natural tropical beauty and luxury offered by nature itself.

The Blue Lagoon, or as the locals call it, the Blue Hole, is a small cave with a reputation for being bottomless. The spectrum of blue shades of water is surrounded by lush vegetation and hundreds of small mineral springs. This attraction is one of the most famous in this part of the world as one of the most romantic places, where you can enjoy a gourmet meal with your loved one.

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